Q: How can I purchase tickets?
A: You can purchase tickets by following the “Buy Tickets” link at the top of each show's page on our website.
Q: What is the refund policy for tickets
A: Tickets are non-refundable.
Q: I pre-ordered my tickets through GrowTix; how do I get my tickets?
A: We will now be using RFID Badges for all of our shows. So when you place an order through GrowTix you will receive an email confirmation, then a few weeks before the event you will receive your badge in the mail. Your badge will be your ticket and must be with you at all times while at the event.
Q: What is an RFID badge?
A: A RFID badge is a plastic card that has a chip in it which allows us to scan it. Instead of emailed tickets, your RFID admission badge will now be your admission ticket! The best part is your badge will be mailed to you about a month before the show! So instead of spending time waiting in line to exchange your paper ticket for a wristband, you will have your admission badge before you even come to the event. Then when you get to the show, you simply tap your badge and enjoy the show! (Badge must be valid for the date of entry. Please keep your badge with you at all times while at the event)
Q: I still have not received my badge, when should I expect it to arrive?
A: Badges will be mailed out about one month before the show. If you have NOT received your badge one week prior to the show, please contact Growtix.
Q: I live internationally, will my badge still be mailed to me?
A; No, international purchases will not be shipped. They will be available at the Will Call booth, located in the venue lobby.
Q: I pre-ordered more than one ticket through Growtix, but all of them show the same purchaser name. Can someone whose name is NOT on the GrowTix order still redeem it?
A: Someone besides yourself can take initial redemption of the ticket(s) and subsequent credentials. We don’t check ID’s; we just need a valid, un-scanned ticket. However, once credentials are used by the chosen individuals for entry into the convention, the credentials cannot be transferred to other/additional individuals.
Q: Does my credential allow for re-entry?
A: Yes, as long as your credential is valid for that day and is unbroken and un-tampered with.
Q: Do you offer group/bulk discounts?
A: Yes! if you are purchasing 15 or more tickets, the price will automatically change when selected in Growtix.
Celebrity Autographs/Selfies
Please note: A valid admission ticket is required in order to enter the celebrity room. You will NOT be able to meet a celebrity or purchase an Autograph/Selfie without a valid admission ticket.
Q: Where can I find the celebrity autograph schedule?
A: The celebrity schedules for panels, autographs and photo ops can be found in the “Schedules” tab closer to the event.
Q: Can I purchase a celebrity autograph online?
A: No. Celebrity autographs are sold onsite at each artist's table during exhibit hall hours. Autographs and selfies are CASH ONLY.
Q: How/where do I purchase a celebrity autograph/selfie?
A: You would go to the “Autograph” area of the exhibit hall. Once there, proceed to the given celebrity’s queue and once you get to the front of the line, purchase however many autographs or selfies as you want. Autograph and selfie sales are CASH ONLY.
Q: How much do celebrity guests charge for autographs?
A: It varies from celebrity to celebrity. Pricing can be found on the page of each celebrity guest on our website.
Q: How many autographs can I get from a celebrity guest?
A: As many as you want! Keep in mind that celebrity guests charge per autograph. So, for example, five autographs would incur five charges.
Q: May I bring my own item from home for the celebrity to autograph?
A: Yes!
Q: I don't have an item to get signed, will there be something there I can get signed?
A: Yes! Each celebrity has a selection of 8x10 photos at their booths. They are free with each paid autograph, provided you do not already have an item to sign.
Q: I don't like taking selfies, can someone take the photo for me?
A: Yes! Our staff at the front of each line will be happy to take your photo for you.
Q: Can more than 1 person be in a selfie?
A: This varies by celebrity, but typically you are allowed 2 people per selfie.
Q: What is the difference between a selfie and a professional photo op?
A: Firstly the selfie is taken with your own camera or phone and is taken at the celebrity's booth. Selfies can not be pre-purchased, they are first come at each booth and are available throughout the day (schedules will be posted closer to the show). Professional photo ops are taken by professional photographers at a specific time of the day that will be posted both online and at the show.
Q: Are professional cameras allowed?
A: Cameras with detachable lenses will NOT be permitted inside the events.
Q: Is there a maximum number of Autographs I can get?
A: There is a limit of five items signed per celeb, per person in line. If you have more than five items, you will need to re-queue with each additional 5 items.
Q: If a guest is offering presales on Autographs or Selfies, can I still purchase in cash in person?
A: IF the autograph/selfie has not sold out during the pre-sale, they will be available for sale in person, cash only, at the artist's table. IF they have sold out during the presale we most likely cannot open more at the show. You are welcome to check in throughout the day to see if there are more spots available.
Celebrity Photo-Ops
Please note: Valid admission ticket is required in order to redeem a photo op. Do NOT purchase a photo op without a valid admission ticket. Anyone who purchases a photo op without a valid admission ticket does so at their own risk. That's4Entertainment nor Celeb Photo Ops will be responsible. Photo Ops are non refundable.
Q: What is a Photo Op?
A: A professional photo opportunity, or “photo op”, is your chance to have your photo taken with the celebrity or group of celebrities of your choice for a fee. This photo will be taken by a professional photographer at the con in the Photo Ops Area with professional lighting, cameras and a custom designed show specific backdrop. The photo will then be printed onsite, within about a minute, and you will walk away with an 8x10 of your photo op.

Q: Why would I want this rather than a “selfie” at the guests’ table?
A: Firsty, you will be unable to have more than one actor at a time in a “selfie” or photo taken at their table, so if you are interested in a group photo, you will definitely want to purchase a professional photo op. Besides the group aspect, you get several other advantages to the professional op – backdrop, lighting, professional photographer, and printed photo, just to name a few. If you like to have a digital version of your photo, those are available for purchase as well in advance or onsite. And, if you purchase a professional photo op, as long as you are in the Photo Ops Area to line up at least 10 minutes in advance of the scheduled start time, you will be guaranteed to be able to get your photo taken. In fact, you can even purchase a professional photo op and take a photo with every celebrity appearing at the con on a particular day, if you wish! The same cannot be guaranteed with table photos. Finally, the printed 8x10 photo that is provided to you within one minute of the photo being taken is a perfect souvenir to frame, or to take to the guests' table and have them autograph! (Additional fees apply for autographs.)
Q: Where can I find the celebrity photo-op schedule?
A: The celebrity schedules for panels, autographs and photo ops can be found in the “Schedules” tab closer to the event. Additionally, please check the screens in the photo op room the day of the show for the most up to date photo op schedule.
Q: Can I purchase a celebrity photo-op online?
A: Yes!
Q: How/where do I purchase a celebrity photo-op?
A: Photo ops can be purchased from our “Photo-Op” Page through GrowTix. To navigate to that page, simply follow the “Buy Photo Ops” tab at the top header bar on your selected show page. If an op does not sell out prior to the show, same day photo ops can be purchased online up until the time the Op begins. You can also purchase ops in the photo op room at the convention, those sales will be cash only and based on availability. Same day sales are CASH ONLY.
Q: How much do celebrity guests charge for photo-ops?
A: It varies from celebrity to celebrity. Pricing can be found on the page of each celebrity guest on this website.
Q: Are photo-op prices per person or per photo-op?
A: Per photo-op. So, for a single purchase, there can be up to 4 people included in the photo-op.
Q: What happens if I miss my photo op, can I get a refund?
A: Photo Ops are non-refundable. However, most of our celebrity guests have photo ops every day they are appearing. If available, you can swap your missed photo op to another day. Please note, if you switch your op to another day, you WILL need to have a valid admission ticket for that day. You can also swap your photo op to another guest, based on availability.
Q: Can I swap my photo op from one celebrity guest to another?
A: Yes, you can swap to another guest. If the new op is more expensive than the original op you will just have to pay the difference. You will not get a refund if the new op is less than the original. Please be aware, that if you choose to upgrade a photo op, your original photo op is cancelled and you will only receive the photo op you upgraded to. You will not get both photo ops.
Q: How do I get my printed photo and how can I get additional copies?
A: Your photo will be ready for you just minutes after you take your photo! As you exit the photography booth, you will pass the printing station with your photo waiting for you. If you would like additional prints you can either purchase them online by following our "Buy Photo Ops" tab of your show's page or you can purchase them, cash only, on site that day.
Q: Can I get a digital copy of my photo?
A: Yes! All photo op purchase automatically come with a complimentary digital download.
Q: How do I get my digital copy?
A: You will be given a website link and your printed photo will have a code. Simply go to that website, enter your code and you can download your photo!
Q: What do the session letter stand for? Can i purchase more than 1 guest photo ops that has the same session letter"
A: The session numbers are solely for our use in scheduling. Sessions are not indicators of photo ops times and do not indicate overlapping ops. Photo Op times will be released about 1 month before each show dates.
Q: I want to purchase multiple photo ops, but I am worried they may overlap in times.
A: Don’t worry about photo ops overlapping, you can purchase as many ops as you would like! If any of your times end up overlapping, simply notify a staff member in the photo op area and they will ensure that you get to all of your ops with plenty of time!
Q: I
For any additional questions regarding photo ops, you can contact our photographers at info@thats4entertainment.com
Q: What is your harassment policy?
A: If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the That’s4Entertainment staff immediately.
That’s4Entertainment is dedicated to a harassment-free con experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, nationality or national origin, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment. In most circumstances, those involved in such behavior will be expelled from the convention.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to: verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination (related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion); overt adult images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of panels or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Those asked to stop any harassing behavior or exit the convention for such behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Panels / Events / Contests
Please note: A valid admission ticket is required in order to attend a panel, contest or event. Valid admission is also required in order to participate in one of our contests.
Q: Where can I find the schedule of convention events ?
A: The full Schedule of events can be found on the “Events” page of each show page on our website closer to the event.
Q: Where can I find the full panel schedule?
A: The panel schedule will be found on the "Schedules" page for each show closer to the event.
Q: Does it cost anything extra to attend celebrity Q&A panels?
A: Nope, panels and contest are free with valid admission!
Q: Do I need to sign up to attend panels?
A: No, but please note that panels are first come, first serve and admittance into the panel area will be closed once the hall reaches capacity. Also note that the first rows of the panel seating will be reserved for VIP.
Handicapped / ADA
Q: Where is the ADA entrance?
A: The main entrance.
Q: Will there be sign language interpreters?
A: Yes! Certified Sign Language Interpreters will be provided for all panels and contests taking part on our stage. Additionally, interpreters will be available throughout the event. If you need an interpreter at a Celebrity table, please notify the That's4Entertainment staff member at the entrance of the celebrity's booth and the interpreter will meet you there.
Q: I can't stand for long periods of time, is there an ADA line?
A: Please go to the information booth to receive your ADA wristband. The ADA wristband will allow you faster access on Panel and Autograph lines. Please note, you will still need to stand in line, it will just be shorter than the general line.
Exhibitors / Vendors
Q: How can I be a vendor?
A: Please email us at Vendors@thats4entertainment.com to apply. All applications will be reviewed. If approved, payment will be accepted through paypal. No booth will be secured until payment is received.
Q: Do vendors accept credit cards for purchases ?
A: Most of them do.
Staffing Inquiries
Q: How do I sign up to become a Volunteer?
A: If you love helping people AND conventions, we want you! Please click the "Volunteer" tab at the top of the website and fill our our volunteer form. Someone will contact you shortly.
Q: How can I/my company become an official That's4Entertainment sponsor?
A: Please contact us at Marketing@thats4entertainment.com
For all other inquiries please contact us at: Info@thats4entertainment.com